Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Pantry

Ok, I should probably be a little embarassed to share this, but in my defense, you need to remember these pictures were all taken after I had company in and out of the house. You just can't tear apart the pantry and reorganize it when you have a houseful of people!

That picture up above is the top part of pantry. The only real problem shelf would be the bottom one, which ironically, you can not see (except the bag of cheese doodles)

This is the bottom part:

Not so bad huh? Except the top shelf, which is really, the bottom shelf from the first picture! That would be the snack shelf. The shelf where the bread is. The shelf that everyone goes to when they are hungry.

The 2nd shelf is my baking stuff.And it's really crammed. I need to come up with a better layout than is current.

The 3rd shelf is drinky stuff. Coffee. Tea (all types). Crystal Light. Lemonade. Nestle. 6 or so bottles of Ocean Spray. There are also 4 bottle of syrup (the bottles are too tall for bottom shelf), and extra bags of flour and sugar behind it all.

And the bottom shelf is condiments, pickles, dressings, mayo, mustards, you name it. Also marinades, soy sauce and so on. It's really full from all the great sales lately. Unfortunately, it needs to be reoganized. I started to put all the dressing in the wicker basket as it was a hassle to move them all looking for a specific type (like, lite cesear), but everything else also gets shoved around.

The top part of the pantry is all pasta/rice/dry taters on the top shelf. Next shelf is tuna, soups, microwave mac & cheese stuff and ravioli, and some other odds and ends. And then you have the shelf with all the mexican stuff, nuts, seasoning packets, and some other odds and ends, like bacon bits and croutons (tossed the croutons out today).

I think maybe while hubby is traveling this week I'll clean it out. I KNOW I don't need to buy any groceries for the week so that would be even better if I did it this week ... and then make my menu and grocery list for the following week based on what I find.

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